Service with a smile :)

Some days you get a customer who is just that little bit extra nice and puts you in a good mood for the rest of the day. And it’s amazing how contagious your smile can be, it finds itself on each new customer that you greet and meet during the day and before you know it you are giving great service without any effort and enjoying your day at work.

Unfortunately, every now and then you get a customer who is quite frankly a rat bag and whether they mean to or not can spoil the rest of your day with their sharp tongue and bitter tones. The secret is to rise above it, but it can be so difficult. It’s easy to simmer and bluster about them when they have left, assuming you’ve been able to hold your tongue whilst they are still in the shop.

But it’s essential to shake it off and get on with your day and try your utmost to think happy thoughts. Otherwise you’ll find that scowl and growl will be as infectious as the smile was and soon all your customers will be just that little less friendly as they subconsciously feed off your bad mood. So ignore the rude customers and enjoy the lovely ones, you’ll have a much better day for it.

A little device my staff and I use is the ‘Double Ribbon Gift wrap Award’ given to our favourite customer during the day. We don’t say anything but when we think someone is really nice we reward them with extra special gift wrapping using double coloured ribbon, using our most expensive boxes and bags. We immediately know when each of us has chosen their favourite for the day by the gift wrap the customer gets. It puts a smile on our face every time. The customer never knows but next time you go shopping spare a thought for the sales staff, be nice and you just might be the best customer of the day and get that extra special treatment.